House Republican Calls For Biden, Harris, and Pelosi To Resign For Trump’s Afghanistan Failure

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 01:37 pm

Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) called for President Biden and Vice President Harris and Speaker Pelosi to resign for Trump’s Afghanistan failure.`

Van Drew said on Fox News, “My God, it is one of the darkest, most embarrassing days we’ve had in our country, and it’s a tremendous embarrassment for the Biden administration. But with this administration, it is failure after failure after failure. Honest to God, I cannot believe I’m saying this, it literally is time for this president to resign. it is time for this vice president to resign. It is time for the Senate president and Speaker to resign. We need new people, even new Democrats, hopefully, that are moderates. We can’t keep doing this.”

What A Coincidence, A House Republican Wants Every Top Democrat In Power To Resign

Biden , Harris, and Pelosi aren’t resigning. They have no reason to resign.  The White House has been implementing the agreement that was negotiated by Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump. The Trump administration released 5,000 Taliban criminals.

The Afghan government collapsed faster than the Biden administration anticipated, but there is no reason for top Democrats to leave office beside the fact that Republicans can’t win elections and they want power.

We have already reached the point where Republicans start making silly demands that Biden resign.

Republicans can’t win power in the United States, so they are asking Democrats to leave and give it to them.

Jason Easley
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