Greg Abbott Melts Down And Falsely Accuses Biden Of Creating A Constitutional Crisis

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 01:35 pm

Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) tried to claim, incorrectly, that President Biden created a “constitutional crisis” by suing him over an illegal executive order.

Greg Abbott Accused Biden Of Creating A Constitutional Crisis

In a statement after the Biden DOJ sued him for an executive order blocking the federal government from moving migrants, Abbott said:

The Biden Administration has created a constitutional crisis between the federal government and the State of Texas. This stems from the Biden Administration’s refusal to enforce immigration laws and allow illegal immigrants with COVID-19 to enter our country. As our communities are overrun and overwhelmed by the record-high influx of migrants, cartels and smugglers profit off the chaos. Not only that, but this crisis also extends beyond the border as deadly drugs like fentanyl infiltrate our communities.  This already dangerous situation continues to deteriorate as the Biden Administration knowingly imports COVID-19 into Texas from across the border—willfully exposing Texans and Americans alike. President Biden has a duty and a responsibility to protect and uphold our nation’s sovereignty, yet he has long-since abdicated his authority to do so.

As the Governor of Texas, I have a responsibility to protect the people of Texas—a responsibility that grows more urgent by the day while the Biden Administration sits on the sidelines. I take very seriously my duties and responsibilities as the Governor of the State of Texas. I have the authority, and duty, under the constitutions of the United States and of Texas to protect Texans and our nation.

The COVID Surge In Texas Is Being Caused By Unvaccinated Republicans, Not Migrants

Abbott is both working as a stalking horse for Trump in trying to whip up a scandal against Biden, and he is trying to give himself cover for his disastrous leadership on the that has seen infections soar due to the governor’s coronavirus friendly policies.

A real constitutional crisis is a president abusing the power of his office to mastermind a coup to overturn an election that he lost. Federal law supersedes state law, so there is no constitutional crisis on Abbott’s EO.

If Abbott really wanted to protect America, he would drop the migrant sideshow and instead sign an executive order urging all Texans to get vaccinated.

Jason Easley
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