Republicans Crushed As Voters Massively Support Biden Plan To Tax The Rich And Corporations

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 01:32 pm

A new poll showed that 69% of voters support raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations as proposed by President Biden.

There are some terrible results for Republicans in the poll commissioned by Americans For Tax Fairness:

Over two-thirds of voters (69%) support raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations, and support among Independents is just as high (68%). Support for raising taxes on those earning more than $400,000 a year is similarly high (67%), while 62% support raising the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. Indeed, every proposal to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations tested in the survey is supported by at least 55% of voters, with most generating over two-thirds support.


Only 22% of voters think raising taxes on those earning over $400,000 a year will hurt the economy, while 51% believe it will help it. Independents also believe it will help the economy by a 26-point margin (45% help economy / 19% hurt economy).

The American people want Congress to do what Joe Biden has proposed, and they aren’t buying the Republican claims that raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations will harm the economy.

The Republican message is not just failing. It is bombing with voters. If Republicans stick to their plan to run on not taxing the rich and corporations, they could be in for a disastrous midterm election.

The Trump tax cut was so unpopular that Republican candidates wouldn’t talk about it on the campaign trail.

Joe Biden is popular. His policies are popular, and those who choose to run against them are playing with fire in 2022.

Jason Easley
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