Devin Nunes calls on Trump to appoint a special counsel to investigate Obama

Devin Nunes Calls For Trump To Appoint A Special Counsel To Investigate Obama

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 12:23 pm

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) claimed that Obama is secretly running Joe Biden and called for Trump to appoint a special counsel to investigate Obama.


Nunes said:

would just point out to your viewers that President Obama is the only president that I know that only moved about a mile from the white house, set up shop, has all of his people there, most of his people were promoting Kamala Harris to run before she bombed out, wasting millions of dollars, hundreds of millions of dollars, and then they propped up Joe Biden . So it’s not just about how this is the first president that oversaw using a political campaign, using the FBI and DOJ to open an investigation into your rival campaign. That’s as big of a fraud as you get in the history of the United States of America, so he’s not giving up power.

He investigated his opposing party. He allowed it to happen if he was so high and mighty and above dashboard he should have told Clinton, Comey, Mccabe, Brennan, all of them, no we’re not doing this. You have no evidence that Trump is some type of Russian agent. Stop it. He didn’t do it and here, we’re left with this aftermath of four years of this nonsense and now we’re sitting waiting for Durham to complete this investigation. I think people are getting not only very frustrated but also, there’s a growing concern that Durham is not going to come out with anything and then Biden and Obama are going to be back in and they’re going to shut this investigation off, so, I’ve been very clear about this.

Every day that ticks by it’s going to become an absolute necessity that a special counsel is appointed on the way out. Now that doesn’t mean that Biden wouldn’t fire the special counsel but at least you’d have a special counsel office setup, with money, so that this investigation can continue because I’m not seeing indictments that I should be seeing when you take into the account that I’ve made 14 criminal referrals involving dozens and dozens of people.

Obama doesn’t spend much time in DC. The Obamas originally stayed in DC so that their daughter could finish high school.

The idea that Obama stayed in Washington to set up a shadow government that would run Joe Biden is nonsense. Nunes was actually calling for Trump to salt the earth by appointing a special counsel to launch a bogus Obama investigation. House and Senate Republicans have gotten nowhere with their Biden investigation, so Nunes wants Trump to abuse his power one last time to perpetuate a fake scandal.

The odds of this happening are close to zero, but the idea of it shows how desperate Republicans are to muddy up the Biden presidency.

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