WATCH: Retired Army Colonel Jack Jacobs Confirms Trump’s Frequent Military Slams

Retired Army Colonel Jack Jacobs knows something about honor and sacrifice. The former military official was award the Medal of Honor after saving the lives of 14 soldiers during the Vietnam War.

Jacobs, who works a military consultant for MSNBC,  also retains many connection in today’s military. And on Friday he confirmed to Chris Jansing the stories that are currently being told about Donald Trump and his feelings on the military.

The retired officer said of Trump’s “loser, sucker” comments:

“Well, it cuts deeply. Let me just say at the outset that the president has said so many things that are fallacious, outrageous, hyperbolic, that they now fail to shock anymore. Maybe Rick Tyler and this will resonate and maybe it will resonate not just with military people but with the large majority of Americans who support the military, who understand what the military does and what the military has been doing since the inception of the country for our freedom.”

Jacobs continued, “I’ve spoken to a lot of people who work directly for the president who reiterate exactly what Jeffrey Goldberg said in that article, who said the president has no respect for people in uniform, no respect for people who have served and, most significantly, does not understand the notion of being part of something that’s larger than yourself.”

You can watch a clip of Jacobs comments below, courtesy of MSNBC:

Todd Neikirk

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