House Judiciary Committee Approves Articles Of Impeachment For The 4th Time In History

After a night of Republican stalling, the House Judiciary Committee has approved two articles of impeachment against Donald John Trump.

Both of the articles against Trump, abuse of power, and obstruction of Congress, were approved by a party-line vote of 23-17.

Here is the moment when Trump took a big step toward becoming the third president to be impeached:

The outcome was never in doubt, even if the timing was a drama-filled event as Republicans spent until midnight Thursday bogging down the process with a litany of bad faith amendments. It was clear that the Republican strategy was to bury the vote overnight so that the American people wouldn’t see it.

Chairman Jerry Nadler put an end to the scheme by adjourning the hearing and reconvening on Friday morning.

Trump isn’t going to be convicted and removed but he is still only the fourth president in history to have articles of impeachment approved against him by the House Judiciary Committee, and probably by Christmas, he will be the third president in history to be impeached.

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