Trump admits he would commit a felony to win.

Trump Has A Friday Night Breakdown For All To See On Impeachment

Last updated on July 18th, 2023 at 11:52 am

Trump broke down on Friday night as impeachment triggered him to attack the whistleblower, Democrats, and claim he did nothing wrong.

Trump first attacked Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff:

Trump then claimed that he did nothing wrong:

The president then attacked the whistleblower:

The “stable genius” is clearly not handling impeachment well. Trump has also floated the idea of doing a dramatic reading of the Ukraine call in front of the entire country, and he has been so obsessed with impeachment that he has been unable to function.

Trump is melting down in front of the entire world. Pelosi and Schiff aren’t the corrupt individuals who tried to shake down a foreign country by withholding military aid unless Joe Biden was investigated. Trump confessed to doing something very wrong as soon as he released the edited summary of the Ukraine call. The president keeps attacking the whistleblower because he doesn’t comprehend that he already gave the House the evidence that they need to impeach him.

Donald Trump wasn’t doing his job as president before impeachment, but the situation has gotten even worse since the House moved to hold him accountable for his offenses against his own country.

Trump is breaking down because he can’t talk his way out of impeachment, and all of his old tricks are only serving to make his problems worse.

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