Trump Deteriorating

Rachel Maddow Warns That Trump Is Deteriorating At An Alarming Rate Due To Impeachment

Donald Trump has always been an unstable and erratic person, but Rachel Maddow pointed out on Monday night that he appears to be deteriorating at an alarming rate as the impeachment process ramps up.

The MSNBC host said, “As this impeachment proceeding goes forward and does not slow down and continues to turn up more negative information about the president and his behavior, we are seeing some even weirder than usual behavior by the president.”

Maddow pointed to the president’s sudden and unexpected shift in foreign policy in Syria as the latest evidence of Trump’s increasingly unstable conduct.


Maddow said:

As this impeachment proceeding goes forward and does not slow down and continues to turn up more negative information about the president and his behavior, we are seeing some even weirder than usual behavior by the president. I don’t like to focus on the president’s statements too much, especially his online statements. I think he uses Twitter basically to outrage people and get people talking about things on his terms rather than what otherwise might be driven by the news. So I try to sort of steer clear. That said, I do watch what he says, even if I don’t talk about it a lot. The president today online opining apparently in all seriousness about what he calls, quote, my great and unmatched wisdom. ‘As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off-limits.’ I mean that just feels a little weirder than usual from the president. What that statement from the president was about is something weirder than usual too. Apparently, on impulse or at least on zero notice after he completed a phone call with the president of Turkey last night, the president got off that call and basically immediately announced a radical change of U.S. policy in Syria.

Trump is only going to get worse as the impeachment fight rages on

As Democrats continue to gather evidence and more damning information comes to light about this president’s misconduct, Trump is only going to get worse.

His tweets are going to become more outrageous. His decisionmaking process – to the extent that he had one to begin with – is going to be more reckless. His behavior will become more and more unstable.

Combine that with a looming election that – with or without impeachment – was always going to be a tough climb for the president, and the next year is going to be a dangerous time in American politics.

Donald Trump is desperate and he knows impeachment could bring his presidency down. It looks as though he’s ready to bring the country down with him.

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