Joe Biden Shows What A President Should Be In Touching Statement On John McCain Anniversary

Last updated on September 25th, 2023 at 02:12 pm

While Trump was bumbling through another day at the G7, Joe Biden issued a touching statement on the anniversary of John McCain’s death that reminded America what a president can and should be.

Vice President Biden said in a statement provided to PoliticusUSA:

One year ago, we lost a political giant, and a genuine American hero—my friend, my frequent opponent—John McCain. We still feel keenly his loss in our public life.

John lived by a code that sometimes seemed to be from another era, where honor, courage, character and integrity mattered. But in truth, John’s code was ageless—an American code, grounded in decency and basic fairness and an intolerance for the abuse of power. A code neither selfish, nor self-serving.

John believed so deeply and so passionately in the core values of our nation, that he made them seem more real, and he made it easier for the rest of us to believe in them too. He made us proud of ourselves. He believed in us, his fellow Americans, and today, on the anniversary of his passing, we must all remember his final instruction to us: “Believe always in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here.”

Jill and I send our love and friendship to Cindy and the entire McCain family on this sad and difficult day. And we encourage all Americans to join in honoring John’s legacy by making it a priority to engage in acts of civility in your daily lives.

While discussing Sen. McCain, Biden hit on several of the characteristics that are missing. Decency, fairness, selflessness, and intolerance for the abuse of power are all characteristics that McCain possessed, Biden possesses, but are completely lacking in Trump.

This isn’t complicated. On average according to polling, 60%-65% of the country know that Trump is not up to the job of being president. He lacks the basic character requirements of a president.

Democrats and voters, in general, are very lucky to have an entire group of Democratic candidates who are high character people who want to serve their country. Trump has been abusing his presidential power to find dirt on Biden, and he has found nothing. The 2020 Democratic primary contains a group of candidates who are widely scandal-free. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, and Kamala Harris all lack personal scandals.

Joe Biden is reminding America of how a president should behave. His ability to do this with true sincerity is a reminder of why he is leading in the primary polls and would present a huge general election problem for Donald Trump.

Jason Easley
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