Adam Schiff evidence Trump/Russia collusion

Adam Schiff Tells Trump To Get Out Of The Way and Stop Endangering America

House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) told Trump to get out the way and stop obstructing his own country from preventing Russian attacks.

Rep. Schiff tweeted:

Of course, Trump will never get out of the way. He is in the way because help from Putin is what he will need to win a second term in office. Everybody believes that Russia is attacking American elections. Well, everybody who is not named Donald Trump.

Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell are refusing to admit that there is a national security problem right under their noses. What is even worse is that they are refusing to do anything about the problem as they are placing staying in power ahead of protecting the country.

Rep. Schiff was correct. Everyone knows what is going on, but the only way that America’s elections will be safe and secure is if Donald Trump gets out the way or is removed from office.

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