Trump clean air Ireland

Trump Claims He Made The Air Cleaner Just By Being President

In Ireland, Trump claimed that the US now has the cleanest air and water in the world because he is president.

Trump said, “We have the cleanest air in the world in the United States, and it’s gotten better since I’m president. We have the cleanest water. It’s crystal clean, and I always say I want crystal clean water and air. I haven’t heard his comments, but we’re setting records environmentally.”


The US doesn’t have the cleanest air and water in the world

According to the American Lung Association’s State Of The Air report for 2019:
The “State of the Air” 2019 report shows that too many cities across the nation increased the number of days when particle pollution, often called “soot,” soared to often record-breaking levels. More cities suffered from higher numbers of days when ground-level ozone, also known as “smog,” reached unhealthy levels. Many cities saw their year-round levels of particle pollution increase as well.


More than four in 10 Americans, approximately 43.3 percent of the population, live in counties that have monitored unhealthy ozone and/or particle pollution. The number of people exposed to unhealthy air increased to nearly 141.1 million. That represents an increase from the past two reports: higher than the 133.9 million in the 2018 report (covering 2014-2016) and the 125 million in the 2017 report (covering 2013-2015). Close to 20.2 million people, or 6.2 percent, live in 12 counties with unhealthful levels for all three measures.

Trump is lying about the state of US air and water

Due to Trump’s rollback of environmental regulations, the nation’s air and water are getting dirtier, not cleaner. The progress that has been made has nothing to do with Trump and is attributed to the Clean Air Act, which was passed in 1970.

Trump is trying to deny climate change with an empty claim that everything is great. He believes that his mere presence in the White House has cleaned up the nation’s air and water.

His bragging would be silly if the policy behind it weren’t making the American people sicker every day.

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