As Democrats Launch Move That Could End His Presidency, Trump Plays Golf

On the day when House Democrats launched their first move to get the evidence that could end his presidency, Donald Trump went to play golf.

Democrats go for the full Mueller report and evidence

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler said in a statement as he issued subpoenas for the full Mueller report and all Mueller collected evidence, “My Committee needs and is entitled to the full version of the report and the underlying evidence consistent with past practice. The redactions appear to be significant. We have so far seen none of the actual evidence that the Special Counsel developed to make this case. Even the redacted version of the report outlines serious instances of wrongdoing by President Trump and some of his closest associates. It now falls to Congress to determine the full scope of that alleged misconduct and to decide what steps we must take going forward.”

Rep. Nadler’s statement sounds grave because it is. Any other president would be worried.

Donald Trump Is Living It Up On The Taxpayer Dime Playing Golf In Florida

According to the White House Pool Report as provided to PoliticusUSA, Trump is playing golf, “Pool broke off from motorcade at 9:14 a.m. after uneventful ride to Trump International Golf Club. Pooler has asked about POTUS activities and will inform when/if I know more. Pool is holding at nearby library.”

As usual, the White House is doing everything that they can to avoid admitting that Donald Trump is playing golf instead of working. On the day, when Democrats took their first big step toward getting the evidence that could lead to his impeachment, Trump fled to his private club to hide out on the golf course.

The mechanism that could end the Trump presidency is coming into focus

There are questions about whether Trump could be impeached before the 2020 election, or if Democrats want to pursue impeachment knowing that it will die in the Republican-controlled Senate, but the legal fight that is unfolding is a dire threat to the Trump presidency. Donald Trump couldn’t hide the evidence. Democrats are coming to get it, and this president is either so arrogant or clueless that he is ignoring the severity of the threat to his future.

Jason Easley
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