Barr Tries To Shut Down Questions By Holding Press Conference Before Reports Can Read Mueller Report

Attorney General William Barr is trying to dodge accountability by holding a press conference before reporters have a chance to read the Mueller report.

The press conference will happen on Thursday at 9:30 AM:

The problem as Maggie Haberman pointed out is that the press conference may happen before reporters have read the report:

Barr is spinning for Trump instead of presenting the facts

An attorney general who was interested in presenting the facts to the American people and being accountable for the presentation of the information would never hold a press conference before the press has had a chance to review the report. If the report is released just before or during the press conference, journalists will not be able to ask Barr any pointed questions, and that seems to be the purpose.

Dump the information before the reporters have a chance to read it and challenge it during the press conference.

The Trump administration hides information from the American people like no other in recent memory. Why should the president’s hand-picked attorney general be any different?

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