Adam Schiff Schools Trump As President Tantrums Over Unconstitutional Census Citizenship Question

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) schooled Trump on why the census matters after the president tantrumed over his citizenship question being ruled unconstitutional.

Trump tweeted:

Rep. Schiff replied:

Trump is lying about the need for a census citizenship question

Kristen Clarke the president and executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee For Civil Rights Under Law, the group that beat Trump in court, explained why Trump’s tweet is false:

Trump is trying to weaponize the census against migrants and people of color.

The census determines the number of seats each state gets in the House through a process called Congressional Apportionment. States with more immigrants and persons of color do or are projected to swing more Democratic in the future. If Trump can use the census to keep those people from being counted, it will serve as a national House gerrymander for a decade.

The one overarching theme of the Trump presidency is that it is the dying gasp of white conservative America in their effort to stem the tide of demographic progress.

That’s the real and very ugly reason that Trump wants a citizenship question included in the 2020 census.

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