Obama Adviser Demolishes Trump With Facts: We Had Zero Indictments In Two Terms

A former adviser to Barack Obama, Ben Rhodes, tore into Donald Trump on Tuesday for attacking his predecessor and “accusing the Obama administration of all kinds of things with no specifics.”

Rhodes reminded the president that – despite his victory lap – dozens of people in his orbit were indicted in the special counsel investigation that just wrapped up.

“Barack Obama in eight years, there were zero indictments in our administration,” Rhodes said.


Rhodes said:

The president’s proclivity to attack his enemies with no basis – I mean, Chris, in the clip you played, accusing the Obama administration of all kinds of things with no specifics. This a man who criticized a very thorough investigation as a witch hunt, then standing there with absolutely nothing to back it up, accusing his predecessor of high crimes and misdemeanors with absolutely no supporting evidence. The fact of the matter is, Barack Obama in eight years, there were zero indictments in our administration. This special counsel investigation yielded many indictments of people around Trump. Frankly, his lawyer was caught committing a crime that Trump directed him to commit. Trump doesn’t want to talk about that. He wants to talk about the people he wants his supporters to attack, and that’s not a way to lead this country.

We are watching the cover-up in real time

Of course, Ben Rhodes’ remarks came hours after Trump went to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to meet with his GOP lapdogs in the Senate. During his visit, the president told the press that Obama should be investigated for launching the Russia investigation.

“I think what happened is a disgrace,” Trump said, painting himself as the victim. “I don’t believe our country should allow this ever to happen again.”

As his administration continues to slow-walk the release of Mueller’s report, Trump is clearly trying to get a head start on the PR war. That means declaring victory before the report has even been released, doubling down on his attacks on the media and distracting the public with delusional comments about Barack Obama.

As PoliticusUSA’s Jason Easley wrote on Tuesday, “Trump is in full cover-up mode, and he is trying to distract the country by calling for a baseless investigation into Obama that isn’t fooling anyone.”

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