House Democrats To Force A Vote Next Week On Releasing The Mueller Report

House Democrats will force a vote next week on the releasing the Mueller report, as the battle begins to make Mueller’s findings public.

MSNBC’s Ari Melber reported on The Beat, “The whole push comes adds house Democrats are using their power to force a floor vote as early as next week on releasing the Mueller report. That matters because it would be Democrats forcing Republicans to get on the record about the matter of transparency. Raising the question, if Mueller doesn’t have anything damning against Donald Trump — this is — this is what I want to emphasize here. The question that would be raised by that vote on the house floor is if they have nothing against Trump, why wouldn’t you want to release the Mueller report?”


If Trump is innocent, why would Republicans vote to bury the Mueller report?

It is a very simple question and one that has haunted the White House and the Republican Party since Trump took office. Donald Trump keeps proclaiming his innocence while trying to bury the facts and kill investigations. The question is why? If Trump did nothing wrong, he should welcome the investigations, because they would clear his name and put all of this behind him.

The only reason why a president would work so hard to obstruct and discredit an investigation is that he did something wrong.
Nancy Pelosi is going to put Republican feet to the fire , by forcing them to go on the record with their effort to protect Trump and bury Mueller’s report.

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