Donald Trump Just Outed Himself As An MSNBC Viewer

Just as Trump claims that he doesn’t watch CNN, but he does, with a single tweet, the president confirmed that he watches MSNBC.

Trump tweeted:

Of course, Trump used his tweet to parse a single statement from an MSNBC guest and turn into an attack on Michael Cohen. The reality is that the pardon statement that Trump and Guliani have pounced on doesn’t destroy Cohen in the way that they think it does, but you can view Trump’s MSNBC tweet either as a sign of his desperation in that he will twist anything on cable news to make himself look innocent, or as a sign that Trump is spending most of his time in the White House plopped down in front of the TV watching cable news.

Trump’s pillow talk partner, Sean Hannity, has nothing to worry about yet. Trump hasn’t started quoting Rachel Maddow, but Trump has outed himself as an MSNBC viewer, which means that there is only so much Fox News that even Donald Trump can take.

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