Trump Loses It And Tantrums During Pelosi’s Press Conference

Trump tweeted a tantrum in real time after Speaker Pelosi said that Trump’s attitude is that workers should build character and ask their dads for more money during the shutdown.

Video of Pelosi:

The Speaker said, “They have Wilbur Ross saying he doesn’t understand why when he was asked about people going to food lines and pantries and the rest. He says he doesn’t understand why they have to do that. This is the let them cake kind of attitude, or call your father for money, or this is character building for you. This is all going to end up very well as long as you don’t get your paychecks. I don’t quite understand why as hundreds of thousands of men and women are about to miss a second paycheck.”

This set Trump off:

Trump expressed zero concern for workers who aren’t getting paid

Pelosi was talking about why the administration is causing suffering for millions of Americans. Trump didn’t acknowledge the suffering but went off on a racist tantrum about the wall and crime. Tone deaf isn’t an adequate description of Trump’s attitude. He doesn’t see the human beings who are struggling right in front of him.

Instead of doing his job as president, Trump was watching Pelosi’s press conference and tweet tantruming.

Donald Trump has been shoved to the sidelines. The real power and leadership in this country now belong to Pelosi and the House Democrats.

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