Kellyanne Conway Busted In Florida After She Criticized Pelosi For Hawaii Visit During Shutdown

Last updated on September 25th, 2023 at 08:49 pm

Kellyanne Conway criticized incoming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi for being in Hawaii during the government shutdown, while Conway was in Florida apparently for Trump‘s New Year’s Eve party.

Conway made threw some red meat to the right when she said on Fox News Sunday, “Nancy Pelosi needs to come back from Hawaii, less hula, more moola for the DHS, Customs and Border Patrol, funding our border security. They need to come to the table and do their job.”


Trouble came for Conway when a picture of her in what appears to be a convenience store in Florida surfaced on social media:

Neither CNN or Fox News stated from where Kellyanne Conway appeared

Kellyanne Conway appeared on CNN’s State Of The Union and Fox News Sunday and neither program specified where she was appearing from. Conway was not in the studio for either interview, and it is likely that as a condition for her appearance the White House specified that viewers not be told that she was at Trump‘s private club in Florida where the president will be holding his annual for-profit New Year’s Eve party.

It doesn’t matter where Nancy Pelosi is spending her time, because Pelosi is not the Speaker of the House yet. It would be Paul Ryan‘s responsibility to bring the House back into session and end the government shutdown before January 3rd.

Kellyanne Conway got busted by social media and taken down by her own hypocrisy. The Trump administration can’t whine about Congress not being in session while they are hanging out in Florida waiting for a New Year’s Eve party that the taxpayers help to pay for, but the Trump‘s profit off of.

The White House owns the shutdown and thanks to Kellyanne Conway‘s need for snacks, their attack on Nancy Pelosi has gone up in flames.

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