Mark Warner Michael Cohen

Congress Wants To Know If Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie

Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) said that Congress wants to know if Trump‘s former lawyer Michael Cohen was told to lie to Congress in his testimony to protect Trump.

Transcript via CBS’s Face The Nation:

MARGARET BRENNAN: Do you know that candidate Trump knew about the pursuit of this tower?

SEN. WARNER: Again, I’m not- I only know what Mr. Cohen has said and clearly most of the individuals that are affiliated with Trump have led themselves into being accused of lying–

MARGARET BRENNAN: –Was he instructed to lie? Michael Cohen?

SEN. WARNER: I don’t know. I think that is a very relevant question that the American people need an answer to.


If Michael Cohen Said Trump Told Him To Lie, It’s Game Over

Trump and the White House always been more afraid of Michael Cohen than anyone else caught up in the Russia investigation. Cohen was Trump‘s right-hand man. If he tells Congress that he was told to lie in his testimony by the president or anyone working at the direction of the president, it will be proof that Trump is directly attempting to obstruct justice.

The Senate Intelligence Committee is the only committee that has been trying to do a serious and bipartisan investigation into the Russia scandal.

The fact that the committee is referring witnesses who lie to them to Mueller for potential prosecution speaks volumes about the work that they are attempting to do.

Michael Cohen can connect the entire scandal directly to Donald Trump, and if Trump is telling witnesses to lie to Congress, the question isn’t if Trump will be impeached, but when.

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