On September 30th we reported:
“The Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings, along with the testimony from his sexual assault accuser Dr. Christine Ford, have generated a windfall of cash for Democratic candidates.
ActBlue, an online clearinghouse for Democratic donors, reported that they raised $10 million from small donors on Friday, their highest daily total ever since the site was founded.”
That was then. And now, the fundraising windfall for Democrats has increased even more.
According to a new Axios special report:
“The Brett Kavanaugh confirmation fight has led to a huge increase in donations to Democrats and groups that support them.”
Here are the details:
- The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee raised $500,000 in one day after Dr. Christine Ford’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
- Senator Kamala Harris of California raised over $400,000 for North Dakota Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp after she voted against Kavanaugh. This money came in just 24 hours from a single email, per NBC News.
- The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee says it also raised nearly $5 million from September 30th to October 5th which was the day it was announced that Kavanaugh would be confirmed by the Senate.
- During the week of Kavanaugh’s confirmation, the National Democratic Training Committee raised $240,000 — the group’s best seven-day fundraising period ever. The day before the Kavanaugh vote, it received a record $40,000. This is important because this group trains Democratic candidates throughout the country.
- ActBlue raised over $20 million on October 5th and 6th, two of its biggest fundraising days ever.
As Axios points out, “Money isn’t everything, but it’s a good sign that Kavanaugh is going to drive a lot of angry voters to the polls on November 6th.”
There is no question that millions of Democrats and independent women voters have been raising their voices in anger at the way Republican senators treated women who courageously came forward with their stories of sexual assault. And now it is clear that these voters anger is being followed up with contributions of cold, hard cash to Democratic candidates.
Members of the Resistance are very vocal, and it is clear they are putting their money where there mouths are. And this is not what GOP candidates want to hear right now.
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