N. Korea Makes A Sucker Out Of Trump By Breaking Nuclear Deal In Less Than 2 Weeks

N. Korea has already broken the nuclear “deal” that they supposedly agreed to with Trump by upgrading one of the facilities.

According to 38 North:
Commercial satellite imagery from June 21 indicates that improvements to the infrastructure at North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center are continuing at a rapid pace. Modifications to the 5 MWe plutonium production reactor’s cooling system appear complete, but a less-than-normal cooling water discharge from the outfall pipe makes a determination of the reactor’s operational status difficult. The status of the Radiochemical Laboratory—used to separate plutonium from spent fuel rods—remains uncertain, although the associated Thermal Plant has likely continued operations, and a small non-industrial building of an unknown purpose has been newly erected near the cooling tower. Construction continues on support facilities throughout other operational areas of Yongbyon, especially at the Experimental Light Water Reactor (ELWR), where the new engineering office building appears externally complete and a small building similar to the one observed at the Radiochemical Laboratory has been erected.

Continued work at the Yongbyon facility should not be seen as having any relationship to North Korea’s pledge to denuclearize. The North’s nuclear cadre can be expected to proceed with business as usual until specific orders are issued from Pyongyang.

Trump has been claiming that N. Korea is going to immediately denuclearize

Trump went as far as to claim that he has denuclearized N. Korea, and as recently as a few days ago at a rally in South Carolina he was bragging about how he solved the problem. The reality is that Trump didn’t do anything, but give the regime the legitimacy that they craved. Kim Jong-un made his usual vague and empty promises, and Trump bought it all because he was more interested in the publicity stunt than the actual policy. North Korea still hasn’t issued the order to halt their nuclear program.

Trump got played, just as experts expected that he would and the end result is that N. Korea is still a nuclear threat while Donald Trump is crowing about an imaginary win that may never happen.

Jason Easley
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