Mitch McConnell Who Once Obstructed A Supreme Court Nominee Whines About Democratic Obstruction

Last updated on May 25th, 2018 at 09:54 am

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell went on Fox News to whine about Democrats obstructing Trump nominees while forgetting that he spent Obama’s two terms engaging in obstruction so severe that he obstructed a Supreme Court nominee.



Q: How do you respond to the criticism that there are still so many nominations that need to get through the Senate? When I sent out a tweet earlier today that would be speaking with you, a number of people said please ask Senator Mcconnell why he is not scheduling more time to push through these nominees. He said he would work weekends, make people stay weekends and that would break the logjam with Democrats and the 30-hour rule would be washed out pretty quickly.

McConnell: The number of times we’ve threatened to do that, they’ve collapsed. We’ve gotten a lot of nominations, and the president has a very legitimate complaint. I’ve had to file cloture 88 times in the Trump administration, that’s more than the last six presidents in the first two years together. Democrats do have an opportunity to slow the process. We are working hard to try to truncate that.

Mitch McConnell whining about obstruction is one of the most politically disgusting sights imaginable. McConnell broke the Senate and brought the legislative process to a halt in an effort to make Obama a one-term president, and after that failed win back the White House for Republicans. Now that his job is on the line, McConnell has changed his tune about obstruction. What Democrats are doing is fulling vetting nominees. Since Trump does no vetting, they have to be extra cautious before moving a nomination forward.

McConnell was also trying to cover his own backside. He is looking for an excuse for his own failures, and he has settled on blaming the Democrats.

It won’t work.

What goes around comes around as the great obstructionist has become the obstructed.

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