Here Is A Picture Of The First Baby Ever On The Senate Floor

Little newborn Maile Pearl, became the first baby on the Senate floor while her mom, Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) cast a vote.

Look for the pink hat in the pictures from the Senate floor:

Here Sen. Duckworth holding her daughter after the vote:

In a statement provided to PolitcusUSA on Wednesday night, Duckworth thanked her colleagues for bringing the Senate into the 21st Century, “I would like to thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, particularly those in leadership and on the Rules Committee, for helping bring the Senate into the 21st Century by recognizing that sometimes new parents also have responsibilities at work. By ensuring that no Senator will be prevented from performing their constitutional responsibilities simply because they have a young child, the Senate is leading by example and sending the important message that working parents everywhere deserve family-friendly workplace policies. These policies aren’t just a women’s issue, they are a common-sense economic issue.”

Duckworth became the first sitting Senator to gave birth last week.

It was great to see little Maile on the Senate floor, and her appearance there now means that she is in the Senate about as often as Ted Cruz.

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