Mission Accomplished! Trump Proves He Can Always Be Even More Wrong

Yesterday, Donald Trump tweeted this:

Not surprisingly, ridicule rained down on him almost immediately for declaring “Mission Accomplished!” Not just for declaring it so soon after what’s at best an almost-pointless missile attack on Syria (or at worst the most blatant example of a “wag the dog” scenario since, well, the film “Wag the Dog”), but for declaring it at all in this post-Bush “Big speech on a big boat” era. Remember?

Image result for bush mission accomplished

A few of the better responses to Trump’s childish bragging:


Well, Donald Trump wasn’t about to let such comments go without hitting back 10 times harder! Oh, no! Testify, Trump:

As is his way, The Donald completely missed the point pretty much everyone on the internet was trying to make: it’s not the phrase that’s problematic, it’s the context.

When Bush declared victory in his Iraq War on the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln in 1983 -standing beneath that “Mission Accomplished” banner- he couldn’t have known that the war would drag on for years more… but he should have known that it’s a special kind of hubris to think that any conflict in the Middle East could be so quickly resolved. The phrase still hangs like a star-spangled albatross around his neck.

Likewise, one would hope that if Trump isn’t smart enough to avoid using the phrase so soon after a single missile strike that’s surely only the beginning of more strife in Syria, he’d at least be self-aware enough to know that tweeting “Mission Accomplished!” only opens the door to well-earned ridicule from the media and countless internet denizens with itchy Twitter fingers. Some of it even from Bush’s own ex-press secretary, Ari Fleischer:

If there’s anything that Trump should “use often,” it’s the left side of his brain.


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