Republican Strategist Accuses Fox News Of Coordinating With Russia On Trump Propaganda

Republican strategist Steve Schmidt pointed out the similarities between the Russia Today and Fox News coverage of Trump said that that he wouldn’t be surprised if there were a daily meeting between Russia and Fox News to discuss Trump propaganda.


Schmidt said, “On Russia state TV, he is routinely referred to as our, meaning, Russia’s president, Russia’s guy in the White House. And if you look at the themes that are spewed forth to the Russian people on state-controlled propaganda TV about the conspiracy in the intelligence communities, the conspiracy in the justice department, the Russia today coverage thematically is a very, very close to the type of stuff the American people are subjected to through Fox News’s misinformation campaign. In fact, I wouldn’t fall out of my chair given the close coordination of stories whether by coincidence or design if there was a morning meeting to coordinate what we’re going to talk about on the news of the day. But for sure, with the same exact intensity that Russia today undermines America’s institutions, Fox News undermines America’s institutions with salacious and false attacks impugning the credibility and motives of American patriots with nonsensical conspiracy information, fake news, and misinformation. And we have never, ever seen an American television network so subordinate itself for profit to fake alternate reality news at the service of a political figure. It’s positively frightening to see it developing in the United States of America.”

Could Fox News and Russian Trump propaganda be coordinated?

Since Trump is an avid Fox News viewer, and his White House has plenty of links to Russia, it would not be difficult for Fox News and Russian state-run media to be coordinated with the White House in the middle. The similarities are impossible to ignore. The themes and the messages have consistently matched up since Trump became president.

There is room in the media landscape for all points of view, but when a cable news network intentionally acts to delegitimize the US government to protect a corrupt president, it is no longer a news organization. It is an anti-American weapon of destruction.

As Steve Schmidt pointed out Fox News has changed from a conservative news network that plays fast and loose with the facts to a propaganda outfit that has no use for facts. Fox News should be treated as a political organization, not a news network, and if it is ever found that they coordinated with anyone on Trump propaganda, they should be treated as an enemy of the United States of America.

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Jason Easley
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