MSNBC Shows Just 8 Minutes Of Trump Speech Before Cutting Him Off

Trump went to Ohio to supposedly pitch his infrastructure plan, but as the president rambled and got way off topic, MSNBC cut him off after 8 minutes.

Video of MSNBC cutting off Trump:

MSNBC went to the speech late as Katy Tur interviewed Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), and stuck around long enough to hear Trump say, “We started building our wall. I’m so proud of it. We started. We have 1.6 billion. And we’ve already started. You saw the pictures yesterday. I said, what a thing of beauty. And on September 28th we go further and we get that sucker built. You think that’s easy? People say has he given up? I never given. We have 1.6 billion toward the wall. You saw those beautiful pictures and the wall looks good. It’s properly designed. That’s what I do, is I build. I was always very good at I think better than being president I was maybe good at building, like you people. You’re good at building. I think maybe we’ll be better at president. I would be good. But we are building a really state of the art, very, very efficient, have to be able to see through, makes a lot of sense. I have to be able to see who’s on the other side. Nobody would even think of what we’ve done prototypes all over.”


Trump’s free ride from the cable news networks is over

Trump used to get free publicity and wall to wall airtime from the cable networks, but those days are long gone. Increasingly, the networks who aren’t Fox News, are seeing no news value in covering these Trump events where he rambles, goes off topic, and makes little sense. The event in Ohio was supposed to be about infrastructure, but there was Trump babbling about his wall, and what a great president he is.

There is no news values for the cable networks in allowing the president to talk, and talk, and talk while saying nothing. His positions shift with the wind, so what he believes in now is likely to change in five minutes. The cable news networks helped Trump win the White House, and now they are finally holding him to the standard of needing to be newsworthy.

The Trump script has gotten tired and repetitive, and MSNBC has decided that they would rather give their viewers news than the ramblings of a failing president.

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Jason Easley
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