Ex-Watergate Lawyer Predicts ‘A Whole Bunch’ Of Trump Officials Will Be Indicted ‘Very Soon’

Former Watergate assistant prosecutor Nick Akerman said Saturday that he expects another Robert Mueller indictment coming “very soon” to “sweep up” many people in the Trump administration.

According to Akerman, there will be a “major conspiracy indictment very soon” revolving around emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee, which were used to damage Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and help Donald Trump’s.


Akerman made a bold prediction about what’s to come in Mueller’s investigation:

There is going to be a major conspiracy indictment very soon. It’s going to start with the theft of the e-mails from the Democratic National Committee. It’s going to involve violations of the federal hacking statute and a conspiracy to hack those e-mails and use them to help Donald Trump get elected. And you’re going to see that sweep up a whole bunch of people in that administration.

Congressman Adam Schiff made the same prediction last month

The former Watergate prosecutor’s prediction comes about a month after ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, said he expected the same thing to happen in the near future.

As Congressman Schiff noted at the time, Mueller’s first indictment of 13 Russians did not include any Americans because the special counsel will likely make that part of a separate indictment – one similar to what Akerman noted on Saturday – surrounding the stolen emails.

Like I wrote at the time, “It’s likely that the Americans who helped Russia undermine U.S. democracy were working in an effort to help Donald Trump. Given the repeatedly undisclosed contacts between Trump advisors and Russian officials, it’s more than possible that at least some of them were members of the campaign.”

If that is true, then both Akerman and Schiff are likely correct that the next Mueller indictment won’t just sweep up Russian actors – but it also has the potential to implicate members of Donald Trump’s team.

Sean Colarossi

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