Legal Expert Calls For Investigation Into Devin Nunes And Republicans On The House Intel Committee

The House Ethics Committee needs to investigate the conduct of the House Intelligence Committee and its members, especially Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), CNN legal expert Steve Vladeck concluded after a shocking revelation that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen received inside information from the Russia probe that is supposed to be investigating Trump’s inner circle.

Betsy Woodruff and Spencer Ackerman reported in an exclusive for the Daily Beast Monday, “Closed-door testimony before the House Russia probe is supposed to stay behind closed doors. Somehow, it got into the hands of another witness—and key Trump confidante—instead.”

“… It also suggests that some people working on the committee investigation may be trying to covertly assist one of the president’s closest allies—when the president’s inner circle is ostensibly a focus of their probe.”

Cohen is a focus of the investigations into the potential collusion between Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia, and the writers note that he was “featured prominently in the Steele dossier.” Which is to say, he should not be given information about the probe.

“With each additional story like this latest one from @woodruffbets and @attackerman, the imperative for the House Ethics Committee to investigate the conduct of the House Intelligence Committee and its members, especially @DevinNunes, only gets stronger,” CNN legal expert Steve Vladeck wrote on Twitter.

A spokesperson for Rep. Michael Conaway, who is supervising the probe, denied to the Daily Beast that witness testimony was shared improperly.

After Mueller incited 13 Russian agents, Devin Nunes blamed the Obama administration for the Russian attacks on the U.S. in order to help Donald Trump win the election, sow discord and undermine democracy. However, Republicans have not taken any concrete action to protect the country from the ongoing attack and upcoming attack on the 2018 elections and President Trump has yet to enforce sanctions against Russia.

Sarah Jones
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