Even Rick Scott Blasts Trump’s Plan To Arm Teachers On Fox News

Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) fled far from Trump’s plan to arm teachers and pointed out the common sense reason why the Trump plan wouldn’t work. Teachers aren’t cops.

Video of Rick Scott on Fox News Sunday:

Rick Scott said on Fox News Sunday, “I disagree with him. I believe we have to focus on people that are well-trained, law enforcement that are trained to do this. I want to make sure we have significant law enforcement presence on top of hardening the schools, metal detectors and bulletproof glass. Better perimeter fencing, all of these things. The other thing is I want to give our sheriff department in each county the ability to do and create the program on a per school basis. So the parents can feel comfortable that their child is going to a safe school.”

Scott added, “I want our teachers to teach and I want our law enforcement officers to be able to protect the students. I went down with each group to focus on what they want.”

Rick Scott repeatedly said why Trump’s plan to arm teachers is dumb

Look at what Scott was really saying. Giving guns to people who aren’t qualified to act as law enforcement in schools is a bad and expensive idea It is common sense that this is a terrible idea, but for a Republican governor in a state that Trump spends his weekends in to explain why it is a bad idea is unique. The Scott plan is a series of half steps that like Trump avoids the real issue.

The issue is the gun, and if Republicans aren’t going to do anything about the ease of obtaining assault weapons, then the epidemic of mass shootings will continue. Raising the age of purchase from 18-21 just means an older class of mass shooters.

Trump’s plan is so stupid that even Rick Scott criticized it without saying Trump’s name, but as long as Republicans continue to avoid the real issue, nothing will change on gun violence.

Jason Easley
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