Parkland Survivor Demands That Republicans Who Blocked Assault Weapons Ban Show Their Faces

Parkland school shooting survivor Ryan Deitsch made it clear that he didn’t want to fight with the Republicans who blocked the bill to ban assault weapons in Florida. He wanted them to meet with him so that he could see their faces.


Deitsch said, “I’d also just like to say, overall, me and my friends, they have really shown me what we can do. They’ve shown me that everyone who’s come out today, they are listening. People are listening to this. I’m so happy to see that people are listening, but they need to act. We need to act. I know we have the school walkouts being planned. We have the March on Washington March 24th. But I fear after talking to representatives today that that is not enough. One trip to Tallahassee I knew was not going to be enough, but I don’t know how many times I’m going to be having to come up here to just speak to have somebody to listen to me. I know I’ve been walking into office after office after office and I’ve spoken to maybe two representatives, who already agreed with me. I want to see those people who shot down that bill who did not let it get past committee. I want to see those people. I’m not here for a fight. I’m not here to argue with you. I just want to speak. I just want to see your face and know why.”

The Republicans are too scared of these teenage survivors to show their faces

For decades, Republicans at the state and federal levels have gotten away with doing the NRA’s bidding and never being held accountable. The Parkland students are holding Republicans accountable. If it is so vital to protect the Second Amendment, then these legislators who blocked an assault weapons ban in Florida should have no problem looking these kids in the eyes and explaining to them that the Second Amendment matters more than their dead teachers and classmates.

Republicans can’t do that, so they hide. They avoid the students and wait for the storm to pass, but this storm is not going to go away. At some point, Republicans will have to realize that they only choice they have is either defending the undefendable or being swept out of office.

Jason Easley
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