CNN Must Fire Jack Kingston After He Attacked Parkland Shooting Survivors

Former Republican Congressman Jack Kingston attacked the survivors of the Parkland shooting and accused them of being part of a George Soros plot, and what’s worse is that he is earning a paycheck from CNN for this behavior.


Kingston said, “Their sorrow can very easily be hijacked by left-wing groups who have an agenda. Let’s ask ourselves, do we really think — and I say this sincerely, do we really think 17-year-olds on their own are going to plan a nationwide rally? I would say to you very plainly that organized groups that are out there, like George Soros, are always ready to take the charge and it is kind of like instant rally, instant protest.”

Jack Kingston called Parkland survivors too stupid to organize a protest

Kingston accused survivors of a mass shooting of being pawns of George Soros and some left-wing conspiracy that is out to take away guns. Teenagers are more social media savvy and better at online organization that the entire Republican Party and their NRA backers.

Jack Kingston shouldn’t be employed by CNN

CNN has been mired near the bottom of the cable news ratings for years. CNN is still the go-to stop for most Americans for breaking news, but this is also why CNN overdoes the Breaking News tag and throws it on everything. Jack Kingston shouldn’t have a job at CNN. For years, the network has hired conservative commentators that say incredibly stupid things to get Fox News viewers to switch the channel. It has never worked. It won’t ever work, and if CNN were smart, they would kick Kingston to the curb today.

A person like Kingston isn’t commenting on the news. He is pushing the NRA’s agenda of hate and fear. If CNN keeps Kingston on the air after he attacked the credibility of teenage shooting survivors, it will be a great reason to permanently turn off CNN.

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