NY Daily News Trashes Trump For Golfing ‘Miles Away’ While Parkland Families Hold Funerals

The planned front page of Tuesday’s New York Daily News obliterates Donald Trump for golfing this past weekend while families in Parkland, Florida – just miles away – hold funerals for those killed in last week’s high school shooting.

With a photo of tomorrow’s cover, the NY Daily News tweeted out: “Remember that time [Donald Trump] tweeted about how it isn’t presidential to visit a golf course after a tragedy?”

The front cover:

Since Trump took office last January, he has spent 98 days at one of his golf properties. That’s roughly one-quarter of his presidency. Alone, this is a troubling statistic given how much he criticized former President Barack Obama – who golfed far less – for hitting the links.

But it’s stunning that Trump thought it was appropriate to practice his chip shot on the same weekend – in the same state! – that 17 families were holding funerals for their loved ones after one of the most deadly school shootings in American history.

Made worse by the president’s lack of compassion for the victims and their families is the fact that he has no plans to take any action to prevent the next fatal massacre. He couldn’t even bring himself to mention guns during his hollow post-shooting remarks.

This has caused a national call to action , particularly by the survivors of last week’s shooting who have used their time between funerals to speak out and demand actions from lawmakers who continue to prioritize NRA campaign contribution over the lives of their constituents.

On both the optics and the substance of his response to the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, Donald Trump has failed miserably.

Image via New York Daily News Twitter Account

Sean Colarossi

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