Failing Trump Ranks Dead Last In Expert Survey Of Presidential Greatness

The American Political Science Association released the annual presidential rankings, and this year, Trump finished dead last.

Here are the top greatest presidents:

Here are the bottom 5:

Trump is the worst president in US history

Trump is looking up at the presidents who caused the Great Depression and the Great Recession in these rankings. Trump is hoping to someday reach the level of one-term presidents Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush.

The American Political Science Association is non-partisan and composed of political scientists. (Full disclosure, I am a member of The American Political Science Association). The survey was not some partisan poll or “fake news” as the current president has a fondness for describing things. James Buchanan was the president when right before the nation tore itself apart with a Civil War and he is ranked ahead of Trump. The self-identified Republican political scientists ranked Trump 40th. Independent political scientists ranked Trump 43rd.

It isn’t your imagination, Donald Trump really is a total failure of a president.

Read the full survey from The American Political Science Association:

Jason Easley
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