Nancy Pelosi Explodes And Trashes Trump For His Delusional Self-Congratulatory SOTU

Last updated on September 25th, 2023 at 08:46 pm

Democratic House Leader Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) ripped Trump’s delusional and self-congratulatory State Of The Union to shreds as she hammered Trump for taking credit for things that he had nothing to do with.


Pelosi said:

This is a very transformative speech for some of us last night because our expectations for greatness and vision with the president are not high. He stooped to a new low in terms of how he dealt with issues. For example, the immigration issue and what it has meant to our country and how he characterized it. The opioid epidemic, which is in every district in the country a challenge. Many families, a tragedy, the president treated it in such a disdainful way. It is one of the items on the agenda we are fighting for, increase funding for opioids in the discussion we are having on the parity issue and on the budget.

Last night, the president threw a speech of unwarranted self-congratulatory comments beautiful to acknowledge the courage, the sacrifice of the people in the audience as if he had something to do with the successes they had achieved. Of course, we all salute them. It is an interesting story, and more importantly, it is about the fabric of America that his speech was not about. Again, devoid of vision. It is so sad. The president presents himself and his GOP tax scam as something to help the middle class. At the same time, it calls for 86 million middle-class families as he lies the top — pockets of the top 1%. The president presents himself as generous toward dreamers, but he is holding them hostage, the most extreme anti-immigrant agenda in generations. We heard more insulting words of ignorance and prejudice to our patriotic immigrant families last night.

Pelosi’s disgust was obvious at the State Of The Union. The camera caught her shooting Trump a death stare as he called for national unity while demonizing immigrants and dividing the country. Pelosi was right. Trump’s speech was an empty waste of time. There was no vision going forward for the country. He repeated the same worn out campaign promises on infrastructure and trade but offered no path to turn these ideas into legislation and law.

It was a Trump campaign speech and not a very good one. The White House can’t get out of campaign mode. Their job is to govern, not promise, and as Pelosi so accurately put it, Trump spent the night congratulating himself for things that he had nothing to do with.

If Nancy Pelosi becomes the next Speaker of the House, all hell will be unleashed on Trump, as Pelosi is already gearing up to deliver a massive reality check to Trump.

Jason Easley
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