Blue Wave Swallows Trey Gowdy As Trump Enabler Retires and Flees The Sinking GOP Ship

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) is bailing on Trump and heading for the exits, as he sees the blue wave coming and decides to retire and get out of the way.

Here is Gowdy’s statement announcing his retirement:

The reason Gowdy retired is the blue wave

Forget the mumbo jumbo about wanting to leave the political world. The real reason why Gowdy is retiring is that he doesn’t want to be in the House minority on the Intelligence Committee when Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) takes over as chairman and launches a real Russia investigation. The house of cards is getting ready to fall, and Gowdy like other powerful Republican incumbents sees the writing on the wall.

If it looked like Republicans were going to hold on to the House, Gowdy would probably stick around, but being in the minority in a majority rules legislative body sucks. Gowdy doesn’t want to spend the next two years in the House trying to defend Trump from a legit Russia investigation, so he is getting out now.

Some of the most high profile Trump enablers are leaving the House, and with rumors persisting that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan will retire after the midterm election, the GOP sinking and House Republicans are racing each other to get to the lifeboats.

Jason Easley
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