Trump To Pretend Like The Russia Investigation Doesn’t Exist In SOTU

Trump is going to spin a web of fantasy where everything is fine and that the Russia investigation doesn’t exist during the State Of The Union.


Jeff Zeleny of CNN reported, “The memo is hanging over much of the conversation in the back room discussions even as the president is working on that speech. The president, I am told, will not talk about the Russia investigation during the speech. That is something he does not want to be part of the speech. He wants it to be an uplifting speech, we’re told, optimistic speech, we’re told.”

By “optimistic” this White House means that Trump is going to stand there and take credit for things that he had nothing do with. Donald Trump is incapable of laying out a positive and forward-thinking vision for the country. His SOTU will consist of Trump telling the country what a great job he is doing and why we should all be thankful for him.

Trump isn’t going to offer the country anything. Instead, he is going to demand love from every American. The insecure president will tout his imaginary accomplishments instead of offering real policies, as he pretends that the political Grim Reaper known as the Russia scandal isn’t gaining ground with each passing minute.

Jason Easley
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