A Star Is Born As Joseph Kennedy III Nailed The Democratic SOTU Response To Trump

It has been a long time since a State Of The Union response was good, but Democratic Rep. Joseph Kennedy III gave a great speech that launched a new national political star.

Kennedy said, “It would be easy to dismiss the past year as chaos. Partisanship. Politics. But it’s far bigger than that. This administration isn’t just targeting the laws that protect us – they are targeting the very idea that we are all worthy of protection.”

Rep. Kennedy talked about the American promise and offered a positive vision for the future combined with a devastating critique of Trump.

Video of Rep. Kennedy:

Kennedy said:

But today, ladies and gentlemen, today that promise is being broken but praises our worthiness and decides who makes the cut and who can be bargained away. They’re turning life into a zero-sum game for one to win, another must lose. Where we can guarantee America’s safety if we slash our safety net. Where we can extend health care in Mississippi if we gut it in Massachusetts. We can cut taxes for corporations today if we raise them on families tomorrow. Where we can take care of sick kids if we sacrifice dreamers. We are bombarded with one false choice after another. Coal miners or single moms? Rural communities or inner cities? The coast or the heartland?

As if the mechanic in Pittsburgh, a teacher in Tulsa, and daycare worker in Birmingham are bitter rivals rather than mutual casualties of a system forcefully rigged towards those at the top. As if the parent who lies awake terrified that their transgendered son or daughter will be beaten and bullied at school is any more or less legitimate than a parent whose heart is shattered by a daughter in the grips of an opioid addiction. So here is the answer the Democrats offer tonight. We choose both.

Kennedy called out Trump the bully, “Bullies may land a punch. They might leave a mark. But they have never, not once, in the history of our United States, managed to match the strength and spirit of a people united in defense of their future.”

It has been years since the State Of The Union response has launched a new star, but Joseph Kennedy III showed that the future is bright for the Democratic Party. Rep. Kennedy is the opposite of Trump in every way. He is a young person with vision and hope who is inclusive to all. He spoke Spanish and talked to the Dreamers directly. The future is bright for the Democratic Party. Democrats have their message, and they are ready to come after the Trump darkness with the light and hope that America needs.

Kennedy gave a great speech of hope that is exactly what America needs.

Jason Easley
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