Sarah Huckabee Sanders Joins The Trump Crime Parade By Covering Up Witness Tampering

Last updated on November 27th, 2018 at 02:08 am

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders lied to the American people as she stood at the podium and denied that Trump had anything to do with the retirement of Andrew McCabe, who is a key witness in the obstruction of justice investigation against the president.


Transcript of the exchange:

Q: The president didn’t play a role in Andrew Mccabe stepping down?

SHS: He was not part of this process and we would refer you to the FBI where Christopher Wray serves as the director, as I said last week. And I’ll repeat again today the president has full confidence in him and has put the decisions at the FBI in his hands.

Seth Abramson’s sources are telling a different story:

The White House is lying to the American people as they are working to kill an active federal investigation into the president. This is more than a matter of the press secretary telling another lie. The White House Press Secretary is knowingly engaging in a presidential cover-up of witness tampering. McCabe is an important witness in the obstruction of justice investigation.

The President silenced a key witness into retirement, and his press secretary lied to the American people about a potential crime. The more they try to cover it up, the more crimes that Trump and his team of accomplices commit.


Jason Easley
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