Sen. Richard Blumenthal Drops The Hammer: All Russia Threads Lead To Trump

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) said that all of the threads in the Russia scandal lead to Donald Trump.


On MSNBC’s All In With Chris Hayes, Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) said of Jeff Sessions, “He was involved in the campaign then as a US Senator, now as Attorney General, his potential involvement in this cover-up, and all of these threads, these lines of liability lead to the Oval Office.”

The dual stories in The Washington Post explain why Devin Nunes and other Trump allies were pushing their bogus FBI memo story. It also helps explain why Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee wanted a criminal investigation in Russia dossier author Christopher Steele.

Time is running out for the Republicans. Their options for stopping this investigation are becoming increasingly limited. The GOP’s goal appears to have been to stop the Mueller investigation before it got to Trump.

The President’s nightmares are coming true. He has been haunted by the Russia investigation since before he took office, and as Sen. Blumenthal said all roads in this scandal are leading back to Donald Trump.

Jason Easley
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