Trump’s Tweet Trolling The Women’s March Backfires And Blows Up In His Face

Trump tried to troll the Women’s March by touting his own achievements, but it all blew up in his face.

Trump’s Twitter account tweeted:

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi’s account immediately owned Trump by tweeting:

Trump did not write that tweet trolling women’s march.

Here is an example of a tweet that was written by the President just before the government shut down:

In tweets written by Trump, the thoughts are randomly strung together. There will be misspelled words, exclamation points, and in the case of the tweet above words inappropriately capitalized.

The tweet about the women’s march was not written by Trump, but it has completely backfired and shown out of touch with reality this White House is. With the nation mired in a government shutdown that the president caused and hundreds of thousands of people on the streets protesting, today was definitely not the day to take to social media to proclaim how great everything is.

The women’s march owned Trump last year, and they are doing it again in 2018, as the White House needs to get off of Twitter and focus on ending the government shutdown.

Jason Easley
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