President Who Has Lied Over 2,000 Times While In Office Claims He Never Made “Shithole” Comment

Trump has lied more than 2,000 times less than a year into his term in office, but he wants the country to believe that a Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) and all of the independently verified media accounts of his statements are not true.

Trump tweeted:

According to The Washington Post, Trump crossed the 2,000 lie threshold on January 9, 2018, during his 355th day in office. For Trump, lying comes as naturally as breathing. Of course, he called countries with majority black and Latino populations “shitholes.” Such a comment is completely in line with Trump’s claims that Mexicans are rapists, Puerto Ricans are ungrateful, and African-Americans are lazy.

The repulsive compulsive liar wants the nation to believe that it is everyone else who is not telling the truth, but Trump’s “shithole” comment was a rare statement of truth about how he really feels about non-whites. For once, Trump and his Republican enablers must be forced to own their truth.

Jason Easley
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