Watch Adam Schiff Explain How Republicans Are Trying to Shut Down The Russia Investigation And Fire Mueller

Adam Schiff explains that Republicans are planning on ending the Congressional investigations and then demanding that Mueller is fired.


Schiff said, “We also see him not being able to get briefed by his briefings without him acting out, that the calls he was making to Congress trying to shut down the investigation are gaining traction. You can see that in the hearing where Republicans were trying to shutdown Mueller. We see that in a very worrying way in our investigation. The house majority is scheduling interviews with key witnesses out-of-state while we’re in session so members cannot attend them.”

Chris Matthews asked, “How does that hurt Mueller’s investigation?”

Schiff answered, “Well, it hurts our investigation. And I think the strategy is they can’t shutdown Mueller before they shut us down. Otherwise, how can they explain Congress’s continued investigation? I think the game plan is shut us down. Rather they’re heeding the president’s injunction or Steve Bannon’s injunction, you need to bring these investigations to a halt. But we still have dozens of very pertinent witnesses to interview and very relevant documents to obtain. And people who have refused to cooperate need to be subpoenaed. And there’s no way they can shut this down if they’re serious about getting the truth.”

Rep. Schiff went on to say that Republicans seem to have no interest in following where the facts lead any longer.

This is how the Republicans are planning on using their congressional majority to kill the Russia investigation. They use hearings to discredit Mueller, while abusing their oversight powers to take the investigations off into all sorts of unrelated wild goose chases in an effort to wrap them up and release a finding that there was no crimes committed or collusion by the Trump campaign with the Russians.

Once the congressional investigations have been squashed, Republicans will then call for Mueller to end his investigation or be fired.

It is up to the American people to stop the Republican gameplan and demand that the facts be revealed about the Trump/Russia relationship and the 2016 election.

Jason Easley
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