Liberal Groups Are Beginning To Call On Al Franken To Step Down

After a second woman accused Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) of groping her, liberal groups are starting to call on him to step down.

Credo Mobile said in a statement:

Franken still has a tremendous amount of support among Democrats and the left. A petition supporting Franken is approaching 20,000 signatures, but the reality is that Franken’s days of representing progressive views on television are over. There will be no more talk of a potential 2020 Franken presidential campaign.

Four days ago Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of UltraViolet, called for Franken to resign after the first allegation, “We believe women. We believe Leeann Tweeden. Sexual harassment and sexual assault have no place in any workplace or anywhere in our society and certainly not in the US Senate. Senator Franken’s actions are deeply disturbing and completely unacceptable. Period. All men who commit these acts must be held accountable – regardless of whether they are Democrats or Republicans – no one who does this deserves to be in the Senate, House or White House. Al Franken should resign.”

The pressure is likely to grow for Franken to resign because Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton could appoint a Democrat to replace Franken.

Democrats can’t be hypocrites on this issues. It doesn’t matter how much politically agrees or likes someone; sexual harassment is sexual harassment. Sen. Franken may have been able to survive one accusation, but if the accusations grow, it is impossible to see how he could remain in the Senate.

Jason Easley
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