Trump Is Obsessed With Hillary Clinton As He Has Tweeted About Her 56 Times Since Becoming President

Donald Trump’s latest tweet about Hillary Clinton marked the 56th time that the President has tweeted about the woman that he lost the popular vote to in 2016.

Axios has the numbers to show the depth of Trump’s Clinton obsession, “Trump has tweeted or retweeted a message about Clinton approximately 837 times since 2012, and 56 times since the election.”

There are layers of reasons why Trump is obsessed with Hillary Clinton. Trump knows that he is not a legitimate president. He lost the popular vote to Clinton, and his inability to reconcile himself to this reality has resulted in a president who can’t let it go. Trump is perpetually feeling inferior to Clinton, and the result is that he keeps trying to put himself above her a year after the election.

Trump is also returning to his happy place, which is the 2016 election. While this president is tortured by losing the popular vote, beating Hillary Clinton has been his only success. Since he was sworn into office, the Trump presidency has been a disastrous series of failures. When Trump’s frail ego needs a boost, he returns to the 2016 election and a period that he can’t mentally escape.

Donald Trump won the White House by distracting attention from his own behavior by turning the media focus to Hillary Clinton. Trump is an old dog who can’t learn new tricks, which is why he is still using Clinton to deflect from his own scandals and behaviors, even though this tactic stopped working as soon as he won the election.

Trump’s obsession with Clinton is a sign of mental instability and inability to move forward. America has a president with a broken mind who is stuck in the past and just can’t move on from the fact that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in 2016.

Jason Easley
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