Big News Coming As A Bipartisan Breakthrough Is Close On New Gun Legislation

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) says that Senators are close to a big breakthrough on bipartisan legislation on guns.

Murphy tweeted:

It is unclear whether the legislation is related to bump stocks or assault weapons, but over the past month, the United States has experienced the worst mass shooting in the nation’s history and the worst mass church shooting in US history. The vast majority of Americans support common-sense gun laws, but politically the country has been down this path before. After the Sandy Hook massacre, the NRA was able to kill a bill expanding background checks in the US Senate.

The Senate would likely need a veto-proof majority to enact new gun legislation into law, but just getting a bill with Republicans in control of Congress and the White House would be a gigantic achievement.

The momentum has been consistent for common sense gun laws, but getting past the political hurdles will require more than a bipartisan bill. Senate Republicans will have to grow a spine and stand up to the NRA.

Jason Easley
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