Trump Played Golf Instead Of Paying Respects To Green Beret Who Died In Niger Ambush

Instead of meeting the coffin of a Green Beret who was killed during an ambush in Niger, President Donald Trump played golf with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

On October 4, four Green Berets were killed, and two more were injured while on patrol as part of a counter-terrorism operation.

One of the bodies arrived back in the United States over the past weekend, but the President was not there to meet him. As Salon noted, Trump was off playing golf, “Trump couldn’t be bothered to head to Dover Air Force Base to greet the flag-draped coffin of one of the soldiers he claims to honor on Monday. Instead, the president was busy playing golf with Sen. Lindsey Graham.”

The White House has said nothing about this attack, and there has been no mention of the fact that the Green Berets were in unarmored trucks and had no access to medical support.

A real Benghazi happened in Niger, but the White House and Republicans in Congress are ignoring the story.

It is even worse than ignorance for political purposes; Trump couldn’t make an effort to get off the golf course and go to Dover, DE and meet the body of someone who sacrificed his life to keep America safe.

Trump and Pence can stage fake protests and ramble on about the NFL and the national anthem , but actions speak louder than words, and when the plane landed at Dover Air Force Base, the President and Vice President were nowhere to be found.

Jason Easley
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