Trump Turns America Into A Third World Country By With Killing Obama Clean Power Plan

At an event in Kentucky, EPA Director Scott Pruitt said that the Trump administration is withdrawing America from Obama’s clean power plan.


Pruitt said, “The war on coal is over. Tomorrow in Washington D.C., I will be signing a proposed rule to roll back the Clean Power Plan.”

The government war on coal is a myth. The real war on coal was waged won by natural gas years ago.

As US News and World Report wrote in March of 2017, “Even as legacies of the Obama administration’s environmental policy – most notably the Clean Power Plan and the Stream Protection Rule, both thorns in the side of the coal industry – are rolled back, coal’s future still looks bleak. Although coal accounted for 30 percent of U.S. electricity production last year and is the preferred fuel of some heavy industries, the number of coal plants is shrinking, and coal’s contribution to generating electric power has been in steady decline for years. Utilities are shuttering older coal plants, and there are no plans to build new units.”

Contrary to what Trump and members of his administration suggest, coal jobs aren’t coming back. Natural gas is cheaper and more abundant than coal. Trump’s move away from clean power is a rejection of progress and the future. Trump is trying to make America into a third world country, where the United States loses the future by missing out on the clean energy boom.

Coal was killed by the free market, not government regulations, and it is never going to return.

Jason Easley
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