Google Cancels The Nazi Website Daily Stormer’s Registration After GoDaddy Booted The Racists

First, GoDaddy booted the Nazi website Daily Stormer, and now Google has canceled the registration of the site after the racists tried to relocate there.

CNBC reported:

Google canceled the registration of a Nazi website soon after it moved its domain registration to the service, a Google spokesperson told CNBC.

“We are canceling Daily Stormer’s registration with Google Domains for violating our terms of service,” the company representative said in a statement.

Google’s swift action means that they have higher standards than the man occupying the White House who took nearly three days to denounce neo-Nazis. Daily Stormer will probably have to look overseas for a host or host the website on their own server because no reputable web host in the United States of America will touch their account with a 100-foot pole. Who knows? Maybe Putin has some left over space from the Russian election hacking that he would be happy to let the Trump supporting Nazis use.

The loss of their cyber home could happen to a more deserving group of racists, and any web host in the United States of America that even considers taking them on as a customer should immediately face a massive boycott.

Jason Easley
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