Trump Just Threw An Epic Tantrum And Blamed Republicans For Not Protecting Him From Impeachment

A tantruming Donald Trump lashed out his own party on Sunday for not doing enough to protect him from the Russia scandal and potential impeachment.

Trump tweeted:

Trump thinks that House and Senate Republicans owe him, so they should be blocking the investigations into the Russia scandal. Trump’s complaint that Republicans aren’t doing enough to save them is another example of this president demanding loyalty when showing none. Trump throws Republicans under the bus with regularity. He trashed the Republican health care bill then complained when they struggled to pass it.

No Republican is going to tie themselves to Trump because he isn’t worth going down for.

Trump’s tantrum was epic. It is plain to see that the Russia scandal is getting to him, as he is lashing out at members of his party for not saving him from a scandal that was his creation.

Trump is scared that he is going to be impeached, and Republicans aren’t going to do much to save him.

Jason Easley
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